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Flashback to Nice, France Flashback to Nice, France Par The Serial Shopper 29/05/15 21:05 It is so good to be back! There is so much we need to catch up on though. Let's start from the begining shall we? As you know, two years ago I used to live in France. Some of my best friends lived in the same city as me but after one year, they moved to...
Open letter to The Serial Shopper readers Open letter to The Serial Shopper readers Par The Serial Shopper 24/05/15 09:00 Above : picture taken in Shanghai, China. Dear readers, Every now and then, I tune in to TSS and look in nostalgy at pictures of old posts. The other day, after scrolling through old blog pictures, I went ahead and opened my blog email adress and discovered...
Beautiful friends Beautiful friends Par The Serial Shopper 16/03/14 09:00 Oh hello blogosphere! Long time no see huh? Poor blog... slowely diying, getting lost in the middle of the world wide web... I wish I could update it more often but the truth is that life tends to get too busy. Anyway, the sun - which I honestly don't feel...
A white christmas A white christmas Par The Serial Shopper 16/01/14 11:15 Back in Morocco my family and I do not celebrate christmas. It's just not part of our moroccan traditions. But this year, since I happened to be staying in Paris for the christmas holidays, I did gather with some friends and two of my sisters around that...
Bits and pieces Bits and pieces Par The Serial Shopper 04/01/14 18:29 Before I show you my christmas outfit and tell you all the new things that are going to happen here on TheSerialShopper in the near future, I just wanted to share with you a little video experiment that I did today... You will get to see a few new things...
I'm moving from Morocco I'm moving from Morocco Par The Serial Shopper 01/01/14 16:46 Yes guys! It is now official! While you are reading this I am actually on my way back to Lille, where I'm gonna spend this upcoming year (hence my recent visit to the city)! You cannot imagine how excited I am about this! I LOVE living on my own, I love...
Lufri muffles Lufri muffles Par The Serial Shopper 16/12/13 18:19 About two weeks ago, the korean brand Lufri sent me two pairs of muffles. I took them with me to Paris and they proved incredibely useful during the cold night walks in the city. The best part about them ? You can use your smartphone touchscreen while wearing...
The big return The big return Par The Serial Shopper 24/11/13 16:18 After months, here I am finally back on the blogosphere. As I told you before, I was very busy with school ever since the first day but now things are going to be a little less overwhelming which means that I can finally spend more time on the blog! I was...
Where have you been m Where have you been m Par The Serial Shopper 12/10/13 14:49 What happened? It's been ages since I last wrote here! Well, things have been a little hectic since I came to Lille which is why I have been absent. So here is a little explanation... First, I had to take time to settle in my new place, organize myself...
I'm moving from Morocco I'm moving from Morocco Par The Serial Shopper 03/09/13 08:00 Yes guys! It is now official! While you are reading this I am actually on my way back to Lille, where I'm gonna spend this upcoming year (hence my recent visit to the city)! You cannot imagine how excited I am about this! I LOVE living on my own, I love...
Dear readers, i need your advice Dear readers, i need your advice Par The Serial Shopper 24/08/13 08:30 Dear readers, I really need your advice. I have an important decision to make right now and I want you to tell me what you would have done if you were in my shoes... So here is the dilemma: on mid-september I have two amazing oportunities coming up but...
The balcony The balcony Par The Serial Shopper 09/08/13 08:00 Looking at these pictures I realise how bad I am at night time photography... or at least when it comes to outfit pictures. I always have that green tan (remember this post?) and can't seem to reduce the noise on the pictures (those weird little dots)....
L'Opéra L'Opéra Par The Serial Shopper 30/07/13 17:30 My sister is gifted at many things but definitely not photography. Imagine me, all excited to go visit the Opéra Garnier in Paris, not only because the place is beautiful and full of things to discover and learn from, but also because it could work as a...
By the canal By the canal Par The Serial Shopper 16/07/13 08:20 I just came back to Casablanca on Sunday after a whole month spent touring around France. I now have lots of pictures to share with you guys, starting up with this first set. These pictures were taken at the Canal Saint-Martin in Paris. Although it might...
The french life The french life Par The Serial Shopper 11/07/13 11:51 First stop: Paris! My little Tour de France is soon coming to an end and I still haven't had the chance to show what I have been up to. So here is a little photo diary of my two first weeks here, around Paris, Nice and Montpellier. There will be more pictures...
Black&White in Paris Black&White in Paris Par The Serial Shopper 03/07/13 12:50 Hey all! It's been more than two weeks now that I've been staying in France and I'm still staying here for a little longer, moving between Paris, Nice, Montpellier and basically just having a little Tour de France of my own (next stop: Nancy)! I'm really...
Inspiration mix Inspiration mix Par The Serial Shopper 01/06/13 23:33 Just a quick update to show you a mix of pictures that I found inspiring. My exams were so long that the last day felt like finally reaching the light at the end of a long dark tunnel. I thought that being done with the first part would make me all excited...
Oudaya Oudaya Par The Serial Shopper 16/05/13 09:30 FREE AT LAST! I have finally finished the first part of my exams last Monday and it feels great to know that I have NOTHING to do for a week. Which means that I will finally get to enjoy the sun, go to the beach with friends, have lots of night outs as...
Nye party Nye party Par The Serial Shopper 04/01/13 12:48 These are the pictures we took on our NYE celebration. I wore a dress that my sister gifted me a few years ago and that I only got a chance to wear once! The color comes out turquoise on the pictures but it's actually a gorgeous emerald green color. I kept...
A look back A look back Par The Serial Shopper 28/12/12 03:57 What happened in 2012? Apart from the fact that it was an awfully stressful school year, full of work, exams, deadlines, and overall anxiety, I tried to keep the content of this blog not so dull and fed you with some eye candy as best as I could... Let's...
Modern polka dots Modern polka dots Par The Serial Shopper 16/12/12 23:15 I've become quite obsessed with mat nailpolish! I'd been wanting to get one for more than a year or so and ever since I bought one I can't stop using it! Here I tried it for a polka dotted manicure. I haven't seen this anywhere and I think it looks quite...
Seen in Fes Seen in Fes Par The Serial Shopper 08/12/12 12:17 There are a few pictures of Fes that I didn't get to show you guys. When in Fes, I love wandering in the old medina, talking to people I don't know and taking pictures here and there... This time, the pleasure was even bigger because we also got to stay...
Playing tourists Playing tourists Par The Serial Shopper 01/12/12 00:22 Remember when I promised to show you what my sister, friend and I did the day we bought these bags? Well, here I am FINALLY sharing these pictures with you! We visited the Hassan II mosque which is one of the most tourist-attracting places here in Casablanca....
Dinner in Casablanca Dinner in Casablanca Par The Serial Shopper 16/11/12 00:34 Hallelujah! My exams are finally over and I'm back to Casabanca for the weekend! Time to relax and catch up with friends and cousins! xx, Meelena Skirt, Zara Shoes, Steve Madden Jacket, Zara Bag, Moroccan made Necklace, H&M
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