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Touch of Pink Touch of Pink Par Lucie Fashion Coach 03/07/13 10:40 Hey guys, I wanted to share with you yesterday’s outfit, even though it’s probably not the most exiting one. I really needed something easy going, comfortable because I had tons of things to do, and needed to run everywhere. The denim overalls are just...
Instagram: Week #25 Instagram: Week #25 Par Lucie Fashion Coach 02/07/13 10:30 It feels like a DECADE since my last Instagram post, so I thought it was time for a new one (also, I’ve had so much work that I haven’t had time to make a proper post in a while, I’m really sorry) My Instagram is definitly full of attractive faces Summer...
Tattoo Tattoo Par Lucie Fashion Coach 26/06/13 12:07 Hey guys, I don’t know if you remember but a few months ago, I talked to you about tattoos. Indeed I always loved them, but always been scared of them. I’m afraid of the lifelong commitment. Even though I already have a very small one, I believe it’s enough....
Sales Sales Par Lucie Fashion Coach 25/06/13 11:08 Hey guys, I know I talked to you about the sales on asos only a few weeks ago, but they started their BIG sales (I mean 50% off!). So I’ve been spending all my time since then to see whats good. I already made an order yesterday (oups), and I wanted to...
Casual Monday Casual Monday Par Lucie Fashion Coach 24/06/13 15:20 Hi guys! Sorry for posting so late I had just sooo much work to get done. Since it’s monday, I’m tired as hell and I’ve got lots of stuff to do, but no meetings, I went for a very casual outfit. It allowed me to wear my new palladiums for the first time,...
Dinner in the Sky Dinner in the Sky Par Lucie Fashion Coach 21/06/13 12:18 Last friday, I was lucky enough to live one of the best experience ever: eat the delicious food of Pascal Devalkeneer (Chalet de la Forêt**) at 45m up in the air. The experience itself to eat in the « sky » is one of a kind, and definitly not one to forget....
Somewhere in the sea with Little Marcel Somewhere in the sea with Little Marcel Par Lucie Fashion Coach 20/06/13 12:32 I found that sentence on tee for the SS summer 2014 collection of Little Marcel, and I thought it represented perfectly the second day we spent in Camargue. We had to wake up early to get ready to go on the catamaran, but the view I had from my room made...
Little Marcel ss 2014 Little Marcel ss 2014 Par Lucie Fashion Coach 19/06/13 14:50 As I told you yesterday, here are my favourites for Little Marcel’s collection for next summer. There were various collection: Women, Women Grenier (more defined and chic), Mens and Kids. Le Grenier de Little Marcel. Love the print Le Grenier Le Grenier...
Little Marcel: Welcome in Camargue Little Marcel: Welcome in Camargue Par Lucie Fashion Coach 18/06/13 12:30 Hey guys! So this week I’m going to share with you some moments from the two days I spent in Camargue last week, thanks to Little Marcel. We arrived on monday for a delicious lunch at Port Grau du Roi. It felt really perfect, the sun was shinning, the weather...
When summer disapear When summer disapear Par Lucie Fashion Coach 17/06/13 11:48 Hey guys! I have TONS of pictures to show you but have been working like a crazy person this past days, which explains why I haven’t posted everything yet. Anyway, I thought I would start this week with an outfit, what’s best, right? That’s what I wore...
Up To Do Up To Do Par Lucie Fashion Coach 13/06/13 10:38 Hey guys! Yesterday I tried a new concept, which is called « Up To Do – Beauty Bar ». Right there, it says it all already. I was really seduced by the concept that I couldn’t wait to share it with you guys. Up To Do is a beauty bar where you can get your...
Spotted Spotted Par Lucie Fashion Coach 10/06/13 07:30 Hey guys! There are some summer sales going on on Asos.com. While going through it, I thought I would make a little selection of my favourites for you Tee 12,50£ Tee 13,50£ Top 31,50£ Top 17,50£ Baseball Cap 21£ That’s not on sale but… It’s [...]
Love on (roof)top Love on (roof)top Par Lucie Fashion Coach 07/06/13 10:17 Definitly, completely, entirely inspired by Beyonce’s song for the title. I love that song. But that’s not the point. Today’s topic is the PlayLabel rooftop. I was there last night for the opening and it was kind of great. You’re sipping your drink, while...
Carrie Who Carrie Who Par Lucie Fashion Coach 05/06/13 15:01 Hey guys! I’m really sorry for the late posting, but I was enjoying the sun… It felt just so amazing! I had lunch in Brussels at Nordzee, have you ever heard of it? When the sun is shinning on place Sainte Catherine, lunching there is just a peace of heaven!...
Food lover Food lover Par Lucie Fashion Coach 03/06/13 12:05 Hey guys! I think that by now, you probably know how much I love food. I love to cook it, but especially to eat it! When I first heard of Culinaria, it was really tempting. Being able to taste the amazing food of so many different great chefs, for the price...
Deep Blue Deep Blue Par Lucie Fashion Coach 30/05/13 10:36 Hello there! Today, an all blue outfit. As you can guess, I’m not very inspired. I’m even going to say, it’s kind of sad and boring… but SURPRISE! I added a flower crown to make your day a little brighter Keeping the faith in summer dudes, keeping the faith!...
Winter Inspiration Winter Inspiration Par Lucie Fashion Coach 29/05/13 11:35 Recently I was invited to see the future collection of New Look and H&M for next winter. Usually I wait a little bit to show these to you, but according to the weather we have now, the timing is perfect! H&M Alright, that’s probably more for summer, but...
Sunny Days Sunny Days Par Lucie Fashion Coach 28/05/13 14:39 Hey guys! Here is a little outfit post of what I’m wearing today: something colorful and light to fully enjoy this weather. It almost feels like spring, and that feels amazing. My summer clothes are completely forgotten in the back of my wardrobe so far,...
Summer Print Summer Print Par Lucie Fashion Coach 27/05/13 10:15 Hey you guys! How are you doing? How was your weekend? I’ve realized I haven’t posted much lately and I’m SO sorry about it but it has become really hard either to find inspiration, or the time to post. I’m working like crazy and it has taken all my spare...
Daydreaming Daydreaming Par Lucie Fashion Coach 22/05/13 10:32 I am daydreaming, all day, everyday, all week long, of summer days and light outfits. I want sun, I want a little glow on my face, I want to be able to wear my sunglasses. But most of all, I am daydreaming of hanging around in the sun in the perfect little...
Instagram: Week #24 Instagram: Week #24 Par Lucie Fashion Coach 16/05/13 10:31 It’s on! New Instagram post to sneak into my daily life Mug of Yogi Tea for my sick self Guess what: It’s mango season again! « Shiny happy people » Summer is back place du Chatelain! This is love… on a plate. From Pudding Rock Having drinks in a cage Newcomers...
Beach Wear Beach Wear Par Lucie Fashion Coach 14/05/13 09:13 Do you already know what you’ll be wearing on the beaches this summer? I’m the kind of girl who loves to buy several bikini’s every year, even though I don’t have much vacation planned… I decided to make a selection of my favourite swimwear out there BANDEAU...
Forgotten outfits Forgotten outfits Par Lucie Fashion Coach 13/05/13 10:59 Hey guys! Today, I’m sharing with you outfit pics took a few days/weeks ago but forgotten in my phone. Today’s outfit is way too boring with this crappy weather… Let’s just all pray for the sun to come back asap! I really believe posing like a teenager...
Pop of color Pop of color Par Lucie Fashion Coach 08/05/13 10:29 On my pants! I’ve been dreaming of a yellow jeans for such a long time now, and very gladly, a few days ago, 3 Suisses answered my prayers with this little beauty. The color is perfect, not too overwhelming, but not too pastel either. And as you can see,...

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