Dernière Mode - Shopping sur Lucie Fashion Coach

6 articles étiquettés Shopping sont référencés sur le blog Lucie Fashion Coach. (1610 sur l'ensemble des blogs)

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Thrift Shopping Thrift Shopping Par Lucie Fashion Coach 27/08/13 15:40 Hey guys, what’s up? Why thrift shopping you ask? Well first of all because I love thrift shopping. It allows you to find some unbelievable items sometimes! And here, in the USA, the thrift shopping is just really really great. You can find awesome stuff...
Summer shopping Summer shopping Par Lucie Fashion Coach 29/05/15 12:48 Hey guys! What’s up? Sorry I didn’t post much last week and this week, but I’m trying out at this new job I’ve wanted for such a long time, and every single day I had an event at night. And I worked on saturday then left for a few days to Berlin. I was...
Shopping Shopping Par Lucie Fashion Coach 29/10/14 12:08 Hey guys! While I was working at Lady Dandy for the past two months, I haven’t really had a chance to shop much (obviously). So last week I took the opportunity to go check out what was happening out there, especially to eventually find my birthday outfit!...
Shopping the winter trends: the shoes Shopping the winter trends: the shoes Par Lucie Fashion Coach 22/08/12 12:24 Hello guys! I thought about giving you advices on the trends for this winter, for a fresh new start after this summer. September is coming forward pretty quickly, and we want to be ready. This post will be slightly different from the others, because today...
Arte Shooting… Mad about shopping Arte Shooting… Mad about shopping Par Lucie Fashion Coach 05/12/11 11:01 Hello guys! So remember I told you about a Arte Shooting I did with Kim and Afrodite a few weeks back? (I talked about it mainly on my Twitter and Facebook page), well it aired yesterday afternoon! It will be online for a week, to watch you just have to...
Anvers – a shopping Paradise Anvers – a shopping Paradise Par Lucie Fashion Coach 28/03/11 12:18 Car on a parfois l’impression de tourner toujours entre les mêmes boutiques à Bruxelles, j’ai été faire un petit tour dans notre capitale Belge de la mode, Anvers. Cette ville déborde de petites boutiques et de magasins qu’il vous faut découvrir ASAP! Pour...

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