Dernière Mode - Paris sur The Serial Shopper

8 articles étiquettés Paris sont référencés sur le blog The Serial Shopper. (2142 sur l'ensemble des blogs)

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Flashback from Paris Flashback from Paris Par The Serial Shopper 24/04/13 21:14 HALLELUJAH! Do you know how happy I can be when I can manage to make a video without having the software crashing in the process??!! It's like a miracle! I ALWAYS have to start over when I'm making a video because something ALWAYS has to go wrong just like...
New from Paris + Announcement New from Paris + Announcement Par The Serial Shopper 07/09/12 22:34 Hi guys, I hope you are ready to read today! A few days ago I took a decision about this blog. I obviously love blogging, it is a way for me to keep track of the evolution of my style and also is a good axcuse to get me to experiment with my camera, not...
Another day in Paris Another day in Paris Par The Serial Shopper 27/08/12 21:24 Hi guys! These days I can barely find the time to sleep which is why my posts are coming a little late... I try to shoot pictures as much as I can so I can share them with you later on but for now I'm not staying in Paris for the basic tourist activities...
Black&White in Paris Black&White in Paris Par The Serial Shopper 21/06/15 02:52 Hey all! It's been more than two weeks now that I've been staying in France and I'm still staying here for a little longer, moving between Paris, Nice, Montpellier and basically just having a little Tour de France of my own (next stop: Nancy)! I'm really...
Black&White in Paris Black&White in Paris Par The Serial Shopper 03/07/13 12:50 Hey all! It's been more than two weeks now that I've been staying in France and I'm still staying here for a little longer, moving between Paris, Nice, Montpellier and basically just having a little Tour de France of my own (next stop: Nancy)! I'm really...
Paris, randomly Paris, randomly Par The Serial Shopper 12/09/12 15:03 So here is the last set of pictures I have for you from Paris. Paris, see you soon! xx, Meelena Show off the braces! On Pont Alexandre III I love sorbets! Outside the Louvre museum Notre-Dame from behind My beloved moroccan bag! The oh so famous bridge...
New from Paris New from Paris Par The Serial Shopper 07/09/12 22:25 Hi guys, I hope you are ready to read today! A few days ago I took a decision about this blog. I obviously love blogging, it is a way for me to keep track of the evolution of my style and also is a good axcuse to get me to experiment with my camera, not...
In Paris In Paris Par The Serial Shopper 23/08/12 15:02 I'm blogging for you today right from Paris guys! I arrived a couple days ago and was lucky enough to find a beautiful sunny weather! I leave you here with my traveling outfit and stay tuned for more posts live from Paris!! In the plane. Moroccan food with...

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