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A day in Ifrane A day in Ifrane Par The Serial Shopper 06/11/12 19:00 During our stay in Fes, we also did a little stop at Ifrane, a beautiful city, especially during fall! I just love the nature in Ifrane, the colors of the trees, the fresh air... We did a stop at Michlifen - a gourgeous hotel I hadn't been to in years -...
Just arrived Just arrived Par The Serial Shopper 05/11/12 12:49 I just arrived to Fes yesterday. I'm gonna stay here for a couple of days before I go back to Rabat on Wednesday, with school resuming, and by school I mean effing exams... Here are a few pictures of the hotel and the room. Better pictures tomorrow! xx,...
New in: Moroccan bags and more New in: Moroccan bags and more Par The Serial Shopper 29/10/12 14:46 The other day, my sister and I went with a friend to visit one of my favourite places here in Casablanca : Bab Marrakesh. We basically played tourists, took pictures and visited all the shops there. So it's no surprise that I came back home with yet another...
Mondrian on my nails Mondrian on my nails Par The Serial Shopper 20/10/12 00:12 I guess you guys all know Mondrian , don't you? And the Yves Saint Laurent (or should I start saying Saint Laurent?) dresses with the famous Modrian paintings on them. Well today I thought I'd try to make a Mondrian nail design. And I quite like how it...
Forgotten oldies Forgotten oldies Par The Serial Shopper 09/10/12 20:53 I have never showed you guys this outfit. Yesterday, while cleaning my hard drive, I stumbled upon these pictures and thought I might share them with you. This outfit is a lot more rock-ish than what I usually show you here on the blog and yet this is also...
Current love Current love Par The Serial Shopper 05/10/12 19:20 Remember when I showed you my recent H&M lipstick purchase? Well, I don't know how else I can say "I love this lipstick to death"... The colour is awesome, it rekindles the "rocker, junkie, trashy" person in me (if you remember what I told you in the 11...
Favourites: Necklaces Favourites: Necklaces Par The Serial Shopper 21/09/12 00:23 Long time no see! Well maybe not really, it's "only" been a week... School is craaazy right now! There's way too much to do and too little time! I can barely find the time to sleep... So you can guess that blogging is gonna be hard for the next 6 months!...
Paris, randomly Paris, randomly Par The Serial Shopper 12/09/12 15:03 So here is the last set of pictures I have for you from Paris. Paris, see you soon! xx, Meelena Show off the braces! On Pont Alexandre III I love sorbets! Outside the Louvre museum Notre-Dame from behind My beloved moroccan bag! The oh so famous bridge...
Adr's Fashion Shower Adr's Fashion Shower Par The Serial Shopper 08/09/12 11:08 Fashion rules according to Anna Dello Russo: 1// Fashion is a declaration of your own freedom. 2// Between style and fashion? Absolutely fashion! 3// Fashion is always uncomfortable. If you feel comfortable, you never get the look. 4// Fabulous at any age....
New from Paris New from Paris Par The Serial Shopper 07/09/12 22:25 Hi guys, I hope you are ready to read today! A few days ago I took a decision about this blog. I obviously love blogging, it is a way for me to keep track of the evolution of my style and also is a good axcuse to get me to experiment with my camera, not...
In Paris In Paris Par The Serial Shopper 23/08/12 15:02 I'm blogging for you today right from Paris guys! I arrived a couple days ago and was lucky enough to find a beautiful sunny weather! I leave you here with my traveling outfit and stay tuned for more posts live from Paris!! In the plane. Moroccan food with...
Diy: Ombre nails Diy: Ombre nails Par The Serial Shopper 20/08/12 18:59 Hi guys! I know I've been a little bit missing in action these days and I'm sorry about that but a recent loss in my family made me take a few days off the computer. Now I feel ready to resume blogging and before I share with you my next outfit post, i...
Fun with brights Fun with brights Par The Serial Shopper 12/08/12 22:10 It was so much fun taking these pictures!! I wanted to make a fun, editorial-like photoshoot and once again I wanted it to be in the dark night! I really just love pictures in the dark! They're hard to make but I love the effect they give. So these outfits...
Shoulders Shoulders Par The Serial Shopper 08/08/12 15:11 Let me tell you the story behind this jacket... I was driving with my mother when we saw NafNaf doing a clearance sale. We stopped to see if there was anything interesting in the store and I fell in love with this jacket (along with this other one that...
Casually Casually Par The Serial Shopper 30/07/12 22:43 This is just a very basic outfit I wore to spend the afternoon with my cousins. I started with basics such as the white tee, a pair of dark wash jeans and some wedges and then I added some of my favourite accessories like this awesome Zara bag that I bought...
The midi The midi Par The Serial Shopper 26/07/12 19:42 This is what I wore the other day when we were invited to dinner at my aunt's house. I love the midi skirt and to be honest, I think midis are becoming my favourite type of skirt. I used to be all about minis and I still love them but midis look good AND...
Lodinatt bag Lodinatt bag Par The Serial Shopper 22/07/12 17:33 I have been sent this Lodinatt bag a few days ago and all I can say is that it is the perfect bag if you're in a rush and/or you have different plans for the day. I, for instance, first had to go to lunch with my family and later in the day I went for a...
Dark night Dark night Par The Serial Shopper 16/07/12 16:53 I was planning to share a different post today but due to complications I will show you this outfit instead… I didn't have a chance to take pictures of this outfit during the day so I had no choice but taking some after the moon rose... By the way, I personnaly...
New hair New hair Par The Serial Shopper 13/07/12 09:04 Picture from here. Finally!! I finally took my courage to get my hair cut!! And cut very short! The last time my hair was so short I was six... I love to get a new hairstyle but I'm always scared to ruin my hair (specially that it's already a pretty mess...)....
Sunday groceries Sunday groceries Par The Serial Shopper 10/07/12 09:31 As I told you, last Friday I went back to Rabat to pick up the studying books that I had left there. I also happened to lose my phone during that weekend. How cool. (What I miss the most are my photos and my playlist... And of course all my friends' numbers!...
Oh so vintage Oh so vintage Par The Serial Shopper 07/07/12 12:58 The oh-so-vintage only applies to the pictures after the two first ones. Seriously, am I the only one who thinks that there is a vintage feel in these pictures?? Not in the outfit I mean, but in the light and colors... Maybe it is just me. Anyway, this...
Too much Too much Par The Serial Shopper 04/07/12 18:34 It's crazy how blogging can quickly become an addiction! I was on my summer revisions and I couldn't stop thinking about my next posts... I wanted to save them for later because I should dedicate my time to work before anything else but yet again it was...
Black peplum Black peplum Par The Serial Shopper 02/07/12 17:58 I absolutely love this skirt! I love the thick fabric and I love how the peplum doesn't magnify my hips but quite surprisingly actually makes them look "narrower"... These sandals - I think you're getting used to it now - were bought last summer and I just...
Casual sunday Casual sunday Par The Serial Shopper 29/06/12 03:03 First of all, I want to say I'm sorry that I didn't update the blog earlier but I had some internet issues so that is why... Back to my weekend activities now: last Sunday, I met up with some friends at Playland in Skhirat which is a place where you can...
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