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When autumn leaves
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
05/11/11 22:28
O n entends de plus en plus, que les couleurs tendances de cet hiver sont le jaune moutarde et le bordeaux. Le bordeaux, c'est ok (j'ai déjà trouvé quelques pièces que je vous montrerais sous peu), mais le jaune moutarde je n'osais pas trop. Et puis je...
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Review: From the Front Row / Duy
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
03/11/11 22:20
S eptembre dernier, a eu lieu la 21ème édition de la Semaine de la Mode de Montréal où de nombreux designers internationaux, venant d'Europe et d'autres coin du monde et nationaux présentaient leurs collections Printemps-Été'12. J'ai eu la chance d'assister...
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Interviewed by The Fashion Interviewer
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
02/11/11 14:00
H ier matin, j'ai reçu l'agréable proposition d'Audrey, bloggeuse de The Fashion interviewer. Son blog consiste à interviewer les blogs qu'elles jugent capables d'avoir de l'influence comme ceux de Garance Doré ou encore le Blog de Betty. C'est donc avec...
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Don't upset the convention
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
01/11/11 15:18
Don't upset the convention ! C omme les conventions l'exigent, voici l'incontournable article de bienvenue. Chic & simple, je vous souhaite la bienvenue dans mon blog en espérant que vous trouverez du plaisir à me lire ainsi qu'à admirer mes looks. Et puis...
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The end
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
02/08/11 11:25
C oucou mes Gossips, aujourd'hui j'ai une grande nouvelle à vous annoncer (pas super joyeuse, je vous l'accorde). J'ai décidé de mettre fin à mon blog "Preppy Gossip" après de longues réfléxions, le concept de poster des looks tous les jours et d'exhiber...
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Montpellier, July 28th, 2011
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
28/07/11 11:39
Sober but not too much... T oday no special look but I think interesting to combine the knot t-shirt, which is rather wise, childlike, with the leather effect jeans that re-balance the shot. In this article, I would especially like to talk about Yömi, an...
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Paris, mon amour . - 24 july 2011 My cousine
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
24/07/11 17:51
Paris, mon amour . - 24 JULY 2011 My cousine & I at the restaurant L ast week i was in Paris for a few days, enjoying the family and the last sales. Now that I succeed in my exams, my dear gossips from August, I moved to Montreal (it's so damn far I know)....
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La Belle des champs 12 june 2011 at 22:10
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
12/07/11 22:11
La Belle des champs 12 JUNE 2011 at 22:10 I've two announcements to make, the first: I got it my baccalaureate !! (with mention please) The second: last saturday I had the opportunity to work with a friend of mine, M.Cuvillez, a photographer, here is her...
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Princesse Tamtam 27 june 2011 at 23:23
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
27/06/11 23:21
Princesse Tamtam 27 JUNE 2011 at 23:23 S ummer is full of color but also of prints. In this post, I introduce to you my new print bustier dress, perfect for going to the beach. As the title of this post predicts it, my favorite brand of swimwear is Princesse...
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Sales here i am ! 21 june 2011 at 18:36
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
21/06/11 18:36
Sales here I am ! 21 JUNE 2011 at 18:36 N ow that my exams are done, I can finally devote myself to my blog and so you my dears readers. Like all bloggers or fashionistas who respect themselves, it was obvious for me to post about pre-sales and sales! This...
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Sunday's casual outfit 12 june 2011 at
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
12/06/11 18:41
Sunday's casual outfit 12 JUNE 2011 at 18:42 I realize that I haven't posted articles for too long, please forgive me, I have my exams very soon, indeed the Bachelor. But we often say that Sunday is the day off, so I took the opportunity to take some pictures...
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Fashion show of " Chichi&bout de ficelle"
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
31/05/11 17:38
Fashion show of " Chichi&bout de ficelle" 31 MAY 2011 at 17:36 S aturday evening, I attended the fashion show of the brand Chichi&bout de ficelle at the estate of Mazes. Actually, we can rather speak about the collection of Christine Peeters, the designer,...
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Fresh innocence t he little white dress
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
21/05/11 10:17
Fresh innocence T he little white dress is a must-have of the summer. It's fresh, light and enhance the tanning. But don't fall into a total look white, so color your feet and use of accessories. For my part, I'm obviously perched on my coral wedges (which...
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Preppy nude f or today, my outfit is totally
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
11/05/11 20:58
Preppy nude F or today, my outfit is totally nude. According to me, this pastel color is the new black, an elegant and soft color which can easily be worn. So I choose this loose bermuda and a simple nude top and to spice this outfit fruity nailpolish....
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New Chloé's sunglasses i 've just picked
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
05/05/11 21:46
New Chloé's sunglasses I 've just picked up my new Chloe's sunglasses at my optician. They have a special and indeterminable form, if I had to define them, I would say that it'x a mix between the Rayban wayferer, the round glasses (called flies glasses)...
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Breakfast & polka dot dress t his morning
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
05/05/11 13:10
Breakfast & polka dot dress T his morning Philippine and I has planned to take our breakfast at the Riche Coffee on the Place de la comédie. We had a delicious breakfast with buns, breads, jam and above all some Nutella! And for this sunny day I choose...
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Surprise for you
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
02/05/11 12:30
F or today, no outfit but a nice surprise for you! The website overstock clothing brands at discount prices Marinamode.com offers to my dear gossips, a reduction of 8euros in all rays and there is NOT a minimum price. Among the brands offered by the site...
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Spring: flower's season
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
28/04/11 22:15
T oday I try to mix two different styles, the preppy style and the "rock" one. So I take a floral top from American Vintage and a black short from Kooples. I particularly love this short for his bimaterial (leather and silk) . And to finish a little pair...
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It has been 2 years
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
27/04/11 21:44
T oday is a very emotional day, actually it has been 2 years that Rémy and I love each other. And for this exceptional occasion, Rémy has accepted to pose for my blog, hope that the men bloggers will enjoy it. For my part, I choose a jumpsuit and a lace...
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Sweet Rémy's 20th birthday
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
21/04/11 21:04
M ardi était un jour très important ! C'était l'anniversaire de Rémy, et pour fêter ses 20 ans nous sommes allés dîner au restaurant gastronomique Castel Ronceray ! Inutile de préciser que qui dit gastronomie dit cuisine raffinée et surtout DELICIEUSE !...
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Saturday afternoon
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
17/04/11 17:06
H ier après-midi j'ai profité de cette belle journée pour aller me promener au jardin des plantes avec mes copines, Elizabeth et Philippine. Nous en avons d'ailleurs profiter pour prendre quelques clichés entre copines. En ce qui me concerne j'ai totalement...
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Results of the giveaway
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
17/04/11 00:00
E xcusez moi chères gossips de mon absence! J'ai eu une semaine assez chargée et je n'ai donc pas eu le temps de faire des photos. Comme prévu, c'est aujourd'hui que je clos mon premier concours. Je viens donc de procéder au tirage au sort grâce à Random.org....
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Isabelle Dupere's fashion show at La Voile bleue
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
11/04/11 16:47
H ier soir, j'ai assisté au défilé de la créatrice Isabelle Dupéré, accompagnée de Matthieu un très bon ami à la Voile bleue. Cette créatrice spécialisée dans les robes de mariées est connue pour avoir travailler avec le comité Miss France, et avoir habillée...
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Romantic parenthesis
Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.
07/04/11 21:38
L e printemps c'est aussi légèreté et fraîcheur! Bizarrement on a tendance à associer le printemps avec la saison des amours, sans doute parce que les décolletés et les gambettes font perdre la tête aux garçons! Qui dit donc printemps dit romantisme. Voici...
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