Dernière Mode - Or sur Preppy Gossip by Kiman V.

2 articles étiquettés Or sont référencés sur le blog Preppy Gossip by Kiman V. . (85 sur l'ensemble des blogs)

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How to turn a man's shirt into a dress or atypical t-shirt How to turn a man's shirt into a dress or atypical t-shirt Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V. 11/11/11 15:18 J e vous poste une petite vidéo en express qui vous donnera certainement beaucoup d'idées en terme de "recyclage d'habits" . Qu'en dites-vous? I post a video quickly which will certainly help you and give you many ideas in terms of "recycling clothes"....
Preppy nude f or today, my outfit is totally Preppy nude f or today, my outfit is totally Par Preppy Gossip by Kiman V. 11/05/11 20:58 Preppy nude F or today, my outfit is totally nude. According to me, this pastel color is the new black, an elegant and soft color which can easily be worn. So I choose this loose bermuda and a simple nude top and to spice this outfit fruity nailpolish....

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