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Pretty by Nature (with a little help...)
Par The Fashion Igloo
01/04/11 00:39
I feel like my blog has been way too centered on clothes and jewelry since its start and to correct this, today I will make some kind of award ceremony for what I believe are the best beauty products out there. As I know that my viewers are mostly French...
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Adventures of a Shopping Day
Par The Fashion Igloo
27/03/11 16:23
Have you ever went to the mall just to buy this one thing you needed and ended up buying exactly the opposite? This is what happened to me today. I went shopping for jewelry to pair with my prom dress and ended up buying... AMAZING SHOES !!! It seems that...
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Bright colors' come back
Par The Fashion Igloo
24/03/11 02:16
This week's theme is going to be fashion among my friends. As I've lived and visited many countries, my friends are very international. Here is Manoue , from Cameroon. Her style, made mainly of bright colors has this sunny side to it but with a bit of attitude...
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My basic and simple winter outfit
Par The Fashion Igloo
23/03/11 03:09
Coat Von Mozart, Skinny Jeans Pop Jeans, Sneakers Converse, Large tote Red by Marc Ecko I've literally worn this outfit too many times to remember this winter . Converse, skinnies and black are three things that just never go out of fashion . A large...
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Summer outfit
Par The Fashion Igloo
22/03/11 02:57
Sweater Forever 21; Skirt Forever 21; Necklace Bonobo Jeans Today has been such a lovely day and what's better than a happy mood to wear cool summer outfits? So today's outfit is all about girly cool. Flowy light pink sweater, long necklace...
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Fashion over Time
Par The Fashion Igloo
20/03/11 19:06
I was going through my summer pictures from when I went to France and it reminded me of the exhibit I went to see in the region of the Loire (where almost all of the pretty castles are located in France). The exhibit was about fashion over time and I thought...
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Black is the new White
Par The Fashion Igloo
20/03/11 01:49
I was looking at Seventeen today and realized that it has been a while since I last shopped for jewelry/ accessories and looked at the trends. So I've been on my favorite's stores websites and really loved the combination black/silver that seems to really...
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Prom dress shopping
Par The Fashion Igloo
18/03/11 02:37
I'm finally done with finding my dress for prom . It took a day of search throughout the mall . In the morning, we found absolutely nothing. The only thing I found were cute flip-flops . I was so surprised that even Forever 21 had so little a choice of...
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Flowers of Spring and Roses of Prom
Par The Fashion Igloo
14/03/11 23:19
Hey! I'm planning for this blog to be sort of a break from studying. I love fashion as you probably guessed from the picture. Ah... spring! Don't we all love it? And it's finally there! I think I've probably spent all my free time when I was not working...
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