Dernière Mode - Shopping sur The Fashion Igloo
2 articles étiquettés Shopping sont référencés sur le blog The Fashion Igloo. (322 sur l'ensemble des blogs)
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Adventures of a Shopping Day
Par The Fashion Igloo
27/03/11 16:23
Have you ever went to the mall just to buy this one thing you needed and ended up buying exactly the opposite? This is what happened to me today. I went shopping for jewelry to pair with my prom dress and ended up buying... AMAZING SHOES !!! It seems that...
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Prom dress shopping
Par The Fashion Igloo
18/03/11 02:37
I'm finally done with finding my dress for prom . It took a day of search throughout the mall . In the morning, we found absolutely nothing. The only thing I found were cute flip-flops . I was so surprised that even Forever 21 had so little a choice of...
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